Friday, 5 October 2012

Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar (Salutations to the Sun) is devoted to the worship of the solar deity, the provider of energy and intellect. The complete set of "asanas" combined with proper deep and rhythmic breathing can provide significant physical and mental benefits. When practiced in the morning, Surya Namaskar relieves stiffness, energizes the body and refreshes the mind. It is a form of exercise for all fitness levels. It is a spiritually uplifting exercise and promotes a keen awareness of the interconnection of your body, mind and breath.

Health Benefits of Surya Namaskar Poses

Pose 1 (and 12): Promotes balance, stimulates the respiratory system, exercises shoulder, back and neck muscles

Pose 2 (and 11): Promotes balance, promotes digestion, exercises arms and shoulder muscles, tones the spine, promotes flexibility in back and hips

Pose 3 (and 10): Promotes blood circulation, tones abdominal tracts, stretches back and leg muscles, stimulates spinal nerves, and stimulates lymphatic system

Pose 4 (and 9): Exercises spine, strengthens hand and wrist muscles

Pose 5 (and 8): Stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the heart, strengthens wrist and arm muscles, and relieves neck and shoulder tension

Pose 6: Strengthens leg and arm muscles, increases flexibility in neck and shoulders, stretches arms, shoulder, neck and back muscles, exercises back muscles, releases tension in neck and shoulder

Pose 7: Stimulates circulation to abdominal organs, tones digestive tract, stretches upper and lower body, promotes flexibility in the back, stimulates nerves in spine

Poses 8 through 12 are essentially repetitions of poses 5 through 1, respectively. The health benefits of each are similar to their corresponding poses.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Let us learn and Practice Quick Relaxation Technique in Chair

Involve deep abdominal (constitutes the part of the body between the Chest and Pelvis) breathing with awareness of breath (Try immediately during the Lunch break in office sitting in Chair)

1. Sit comfortably in chair, eyes closed. Keep the back straight; maintain a smile on your face. Slowly take your attention to the breath. 

2. Practice and synchronize your breath with the abdominal movements. As you inhale, allow the abdomen to bulge out (Like a balloon) and as you exhale, allow the abdomen to sink down into the body (initially you can keep your left hand on your abdomen to observe the movement of the abdominal muscles). Most people (I mean it) do the reverse as they exhale abdomen and chest bulges and as they inhale it goes in. Never mind, the aim of this practice is to regain the lost awareness and there by correct the irregularity. 

3. As you breathe in and out observe the movement of the abdominal muscles. Mentally repeat from 20 downwards “I am breathing in 20, I am breathing out 20, I am breathing in 19,  I am breathing out 19” and so on until you reach 1.Remember to count only mentally and as slowly as you can, extending each inhalation and exhalation as far as possible. Continue for another 20 rounds, if possible. Mentally repeat from 20 downwards as done above.

4. For better results try to elongate each inhalation and exhalation to the maximum. At this stage, try to take a note of the state of your body and mind. As you keenly observe the breath, body feeling relaxed, breath becoming slow and mind becoming calm.

5. Slowly bring your awareness back to the abdominal movements. Maintaining the calm state of mind and slowly you can open the eyes.


1. Develops the awareness of healthy breathing (Slow and steady Rhythmic Abdominal breathing).  Abdominal breathing brings air all the way down to the lowest portions of the lungs, filling the entire lung area and providing maximum oxygen to the body. Stagnant air in the respiratory tract is cleared and also improves the lung capacity and stamina.

2. Relaxes immensely – improves performance at work.

3. These exercises are especially useful for people suffering from insomnia, headaches due to tension and hypertension.


1. Before steps 1 and after 5, you may mentally pray. If you don’t believe in god, you may maintain absolute silence.

2. Also, you may give yourself auto suggestions – as I inhale, “My body is getting energized with fresh oxygen entering the body” and as I exhale, “My body is becoming lighter and relaxing”

3. You can practice it irrespective of your age, you may continue with your usual diet and you can practice any no. of times in a day

Have a Quick Relaxation

అన్నదాన మహిమ (04-July-24, Enlightenment Story)

 అన్నదాన మహిమ 🍀🌺🍀🌺  🍀🌺🍀🌺 పూర్వం ఒక ఊరిలో చాలామంది కోటీశ్వరులుండేవారు. వారికి ఎన్ని కోట్లు ధనముంటే అన్ని జెండాలను వారి మేడలపై ఎగురవేస...